Este documental sobre un grupo de jovenes "Breakers" de la comuna de renca, fue mostrado por primera vez en TVN creo que como el ano 90 y tiene una belleza especial ya que capta esa realidad del Chile en los anos 80s (bajo dictadura) y como esta cultura hip hop importada, pero al mismo tiempo milenaria y universal (para mi) podia motivar con tanata fuerza a la gente que no tenia nada. La parte que muestran Bombero Ossa me renueva mis recuerdos que me quedan de ese lugar. Ya que tuve la suerte de poder haber ido un sabado de mi vida alla, junto a mi amigo del alma y ver como estos 'locos' bailaban y practicaban a finales de la decada dorada de los 80's (nosotros teniamos 12 o 13 anos de edad entonces). Lo increible fue, que el tiempo me llevo a poder conocer a muchos de los personajes de la pelicula 10 anos despues y compartir viajes, experiencias y muchas anecdotas.
In 2004, a couple months after I'd moved to NYC, I had the pleasure to be at the relaunch of Bruce Davidson's book "Subway" (originally released in 1986). By that time I didn't know anything about him, actually I had seen one of his pictures before, but I didn't know it was him who took it (on the Mass Appeal cover circa 99') , but his Street work caused such strong impact on me that I'll never forget I had the honor to meet him and get him signing my new "Subway bible". Just recently I started looking on the web for old pictures from his work. This is some what I found and there's many more.
Yesterday, I watched a new documental about the financial crisis in USA called "AMERICAN CASINO". It's was a lesson to me on how far this economic system of "free market" can get, to make quick profits. it was shocking to see how just a few group of people ("wall street vultures") can destroy the life of millions, by taking advantage of minorities, loaning dreams without any principle. This film got deep into my feelings because it gives examples very related to my life right now in the States. First, because in my own family is about to happen this tragedy (in Orlando,Florida). Second, it shows Baltimore city as one of the cities where the problem of Foreclosing has been so high in the last tree years, that since I started working there 2 years ago, the first thing I noticed when we were driving around, it was there were so many houses with no people living in it anymore. And Third, it also shows Stockton CA, where I also have so much to feel related to. I'm glad my family there doesn't have this problem, but it's still so incredible it could happen to anyone, anywhere. I Don't like to be so negative thinking, but reality tells me not to be positive about any government future solution.
After I saw this movie I asked myself: Why the bail out was to save the same people who create this SHIT? Why The government didn't bail out or help the people who tried hard to pay their high bills on time, but they gave up? It this a real free Society? (well in this last question, the response it was kinda obvious... it's not!)
At its national convention in Chicago, held in 1984, the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions, proclaimed that "eight hours shall constitute a legal day's labor from and after May 1, 1886. On May 1st, 1886 , more than 300.000 workers in 13.000 businesses across the Unites States walked off their jobs in the "first May Day Celebration in History". This is why we celebrate today. Even though, May Day is an official holiday in 66 countries and unofficially celebrated in many more, rarely is it recognized in the United States where it all began. Is it not ironic?
Cekis’s career as a visual artist began in the city streets of his native Santiago, Chile. He started painting murals while in high school, and was inspired by the New York graffiti culture and the social mural propaganda from the heavily marked political stage in Chile in 1980’s. After graduating of High School he then decided to become an active graffiti artist. Over time, his work embodied a young generation of artists. His work transcended communities, helping to create a new massive appeal for a new street culture in Chile.
In 2004, Nelson moved to New York, seeking to grow more comprehensively as a creator and adult. Due to the lack of access to paint public walls in New York, his work started to move slowly into the studio and it has broadened into an experimental and investigative collection, developing his own way to paint. His unique perspective as a foreigner only adds more intrigue.
Nelson has participated in numerous exhibitions and mural projects locally and across the United States as well as internationally.