Tuesday, November 16, 2010

grafitto #10

Check out the new issue from GRAFFITO  MAG  (Digital Graffiti Magazine from chile). You can see it online at http://issuu.com/graffitomag.cl/docs/graffitomag10 , and also you can download it as a PDF at it's website http://graffitomag.cl/ 
Thanks Pedro!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

CityWalls mural

Mural hecho en el centro de Brooklyn para proyecto "city walls" ( Brooklyn Arts Council y Metro Tech BID). 
Mural done in downtown Brooklyn for "city walls" ( Brooklyn Arts Council and Metro Tech BID).

oldstuff=goodstuff (94-2003)

 1.Los copihues/Santiago/Chile

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sr. Cobranza



A couple months ago a I met Natalia Moena, a Chilean girl from NY who had the great idea to produce an event to raise money for the victims of the Earthquake happened in Chile last winter. She's been working on it with no stop putting all this event together
She has a BLOG now, where she's posting more information related to the event and also, to raise money to produce it. Check out more at http://vivachileprjct.blogspot.com/
This event will take place this year (time and location to confirm) and there will be a live music and art auction. I'll be there, donating a piece along with other artists. I'll keep posting with more news about it.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Brussels 2010

Estuve en Bruselas despues de casi 10 anios donde pude reencontrarme con amigos, disfrutar algo la ciudad y ademas donde pude pintar una camioneta de un chilescote amigo.
Gracias a : Mauri, Pita, Juan y Switch, por el encuentro y el tiempo que se tomaron pa sacarnos a pasear.

I was in Brussels after almost 10 years since I went the first time. I had the pleasure to meet with old and new friends in the short free time I had, where I could enjoy the city and paint a truck from a "chilescote" friend.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Chilenos in "Mural Art Vol. 2" (Reviewed)

Last week I received a copy of the new book "Mural Art vol.2" where I had the pleasure to be on it. It was a surprice to see other chileans in the book, like my friends "Agotok"and "Inti", and also the legendary "Mono Gonzalez" (founder of BRP). I want to thank Kiriakos Losifidis for the invite to be on the book and CERN for the hook-up.  The only thing I missed (very important), it was a non given credit for my friend GRIN who did the mural in Sao Paulo with me (I don't know what happened).
 La semana pasada recivi una copia del libro "Mural Art vol.2" donde tengo el placer de aparecer. Fue una grata sorpresa poder ver otros chilenos en el libro como mis amigos "Agotok" e "Inti", y ademas del legendario "Mono Gonzalez"(fundador de la Brigada Ramona Parra). Quiero agradecer a Kiriakos Losifidis por la invitacion de estar en el libro y a CERN por la recomendacion. Lo unico que falto en el libro donde esta mi parte fue poner los creditos a mi amigo GRIN por el mural que hicimos en Sao Paulo, no se que paso exactamente.

2009 is history..